NGC 7023

Monday, Sep 16, 2024

NGC 7023

By Maurizio Bolli

NGC 7023 is a reflection nebula, meaning it reflects the light of some nearby stars; probably the main star responsible for its illumination is precisely the star cataloged as HD 200775, which would be surrounded by the nebula, together with other less bright stars born from its dust and which form the open cluster. The nebula is probably about 1400 light-years away from us and measures about 6 al. It is likely part of the vast Cepheus Molecular Nebula Complex.

 -HEQ 5 Skywatcher mount -Takahashi Sky90 telescope
 -William Optics 66/388 guiding telescope -Asi 224mc guide camera -Asi 2600 mc pro camera -Optolong L-Qef-Asi Air Plus filter Shooting data: Light 35x420”, Flat 31, DarkFlat 31, Dark 15, Bias 31

 Processing: Sum with Siril, Pixinsight, Photoshop.

Polino (TR), 01/08/2024

ZWO ASI 2600 mc pro

Optolong L-Qef

Skywatcher HEQ 5

Takahashi Sky90 telescope

Siril, Pixinsight, Photoshop