Mosaic in B&W

Monday, Jun 17, 2024

Mosaic in B&W

By Fabrício Benites Soares

In May 2024, there was a series of powerful solar storms that produced auroras at much wider latitudes than usual, both in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. On Sunday, May 12th, I photographed the active region that generated these auroras (AR3664), from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This "picture" is actually a mosaic of 3 frames processed from the best of 2046 solar images, magnified around 250 times. The original exposures are monochromatic to capture a higher-resolution image in the visible light spectrum of hydrogen-alpha. The image is in negative black and white.


Daystar Quark Chromosphere


Sky-Watcher Evolux 82ED

AS!3, InPPG, Affinity Photo