Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024
Messier 20, Trifid Nebula
By Abel Robles Borrasca
The Trifid Nebula owes its name to the fact that it is made up of three lobes, since its most notable feature is the appearance of three bright lobes, separated by dark lines of dust. The Trifid Nebula, which is a nebula of both emission and reflection, and absorption at the same time. Messier 20 is one of the large gas nebulae in the Sagittarius region, located about 4200 al. of the Earth. Equipment used; 🔭 Newton Quattro 10"CF SW Astrograph Skywatcher with Eq6R-pro mount 📷Zwo Asi1600mm Pro Camera Autoguided OAG XL+ZwoAsi220mm Smart-box Gaius Rb-focus Merlin 3.0 Rb-focus focuser Flatpanel Excalibur 330mm RB-focus Baader filters; L-RGB Image capture data; Luminance 12 x 180s. -5° Red 10 x 120s -5° Green 10 x 120s -5º Blue 10 x 120s -5º Dark ~ 50 Plans ~ 25 Total integration 1h 36'min, Cap Blanc Lighthouse, Bortle 4, Mallorca Island, Spain. Data acquired with NINA in synergy with Ascom, Eqmod, Phd2, image calibration, stacking and processing in Pixinsight.
Zwo Asi1600mm cool Pro
Baader L-RGB 2"
Newton 250mm F3.9 Carbono
N.I.N.A. and Pleiades Pixinsight