Milk Way in Piedras Rojas, Atacama

Saturday, Jun 29, 2024

Milk Way in Piedras Rojas, Atacama

By Rafael Sampaio

Tracked panorama taken in Piedras Rojas, Atacama. Quite challenging conditions. 13.000ft of altitude, freezing temperatures, uneven terrain. Hard to breathe! But the opportunity to shoot in a beautiful Bortle 1 place like Piedras Rojas is not to be missed. So I insisted to take the picture. The sky is a tracked panorama of 16 panels, (8X2), with 120s of exposure each, and ISO 640, F/2.2. The foreground , untracked panorama of 8 panels, 180s of exposure and ISO 1250, F/2.2.

Canon Ra

Benro Polaris

Tamron 35mm SP 1.4
