A Martian Epic

Sunday, Jun 2, 2024

A Martian Epic

By Avani Soares

On 2018 Mars gave a real show... therfore, I could not fail to register it! This composition, made with an approximate an interval of 10 to 15 days between the photos, starts on July 31 when the planet reaches the largest apparent diameter (24.3" arc) and ends on December 5 when it was with only 8.9" of arc. Three things stand out in such a work: first, the sharp reduction of Mar's diameter as it moves away from the closest approch to Earth; second, the phase decrease as it approaches the quadrature and finally, the marked reduction of the Southern Polar Cap, which in the last photo is reduced to a small point. The Greek Goddess of Victory, Nike, is the source of my inspiration. Likewise, Mars has won not only my expectations nut also has won my longings and brought me the feeling of having witnessed an unforgettable epic event! Mars positions in this composition were inspired by the stylized shape of one of Nike's wing". PS: This was a composition was sent to the Insight Investment Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2019, therefore it was never published anywhere. Although it was not selected, it now deserves to be shared with the astrophotography community!


Baader Planetarium Baader 1.25" L Filter


Celestron EdgeHD 14"

Registax 6 · Fitswork · AS!2 · Fire Capture · Photofiltre - Irfan