The Carina Nebula

Monday, Jun 3, 2024

The Carina Nebula

By Eduardo Ziller

The great Carina Nebula is a true sothern sky jewel. With enough magnitude to be seen by naked eye on dark skyies, it lies at 7500ly away from our solar system in the constelation named with the same name. The brighest central star is the Eta Carina, one of the biggest known stars in our galaxy. It's oval shape is due to the Homunculus nebula that is surrounding it. This image feature some remarkable objects, such as the Keyhole Nebula, the Defiant Finger, the Tumpler 14 open cluster and the Mystic Mountain. It was the first light I took with my recently acquisition, an Omegon Ritchey-Chrétien 6" f9 telescope, with it's 1370mm of focal lenght allowed this deep zoom into the secrets of the Carina Nebula


SV Bony SV220


Omegon RC6 f9

Pixinsight, ASIAIR