Monday, Dec 9, 2024
By Federico Vittorio Mantovani
The Rotten Fish Nebula is a type of object known as a dark nebula. The blackest areas, seemingly empty of stars, are dense clouds of gas and dust that are blocking the light from background stars. We can see some areas of wispy nebulosity that are reflecting the light from nearby stars. The Rotten Fish Nebula is also known as the Angler Fish Nebula, or by its official designation LDN 1251. Imaging telescope / lens Sky-Watcher Reflector 200/800 F4 Imaging camera ZWO Optical asi 2600 mc (CMOS) Mount Equatorial Sky-Watcher CQ350 PRO Guiding camera ZWO Optical ASI 120 MM Filters IR cut-off (Infrared block) Accessories Coma corrector Sky-Watcher Off-axis guider ZWO Optical Processed with GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)PixInsight (Pleiades Astrophoto) Acquisition Date Sun Aug 11th 2024 Moon Age 6 Days Moon Phase Waxing Crescent Moon Moon Illumination 35% Angular distance to the Moon113.3º Conditions Seeing 4 / 5 Transparency 4 / 5 Sky darkness (Bortle scale) 4 Ambient Temperature 17.0 ºC Camera Sensor Temperature -10.0 ºC Gain 100 Frames / Subs Lights (filter IR cut-off) 196 x 300 sec Total lights integration time 16:20 hours
cmos zwo 2600 mc
uv/ir cut
skyewatcher cq 350 pro
skywatcher 200/800 f4
pixinsight ; Gimp 2.0