{ [native code] }/27/APOD Brasil Montes Apenninus Natan Fontes 1920 CC.jpg)
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024
Apennine Mountains Region
By Natan Fontes
The image shows in detail one of the most beautiful regions of the Moon. The image quality with the shadows of the elevations presents a 3D aspect, giving a feeling of real life. Highlighted are the craters Eratosthenes (on the left), Archimedes (top) and Santos-Dumont (small, on the right), in addition to the landing site (1971) of Apollo 15 (to the left of the Santos-Dumont crater).
ZWO ASI 290MM camera
Baader IR685nm filter
Celestron Advanced GT
SCT 11” (Celestron C11 XLT)
FireCapture, AutoStakkert!3, Affinitty Photo e IrfanView.