Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025
comet ATLAS sets over Mount Cusna
By Alessandro Carrozzi
The photograph, taken on January 14th at around 5:10 PM local time (4:10 PM UTC), captures a spectacular perspective alignment between the ATLAS comet and Mount Cusna, one of the most iconic mounts in the northern Apennines (Italy). The mountain's profile, which vaguely resembles the figure of a reclining man, is known as the "Giant." This moment coincided with the comet's peak brightness, making it clearly visible through binoculars shortly after sunset and, with some effort, even to the naked eye. To enhance the details of the comet's tail, the photo underwent extensive post-processing, while the relative positions between the landscape and the celestial body were preserved. Technical details: Camera: Canon EOS 6D Lens: Nikkor 180mm f/2.8 Comet: 658 shots at 1/200s, f/4, ISO 400 Landscape: HDR composed of exposures ranging from 1/125s to 1/20s, f/4, ISO 400
Canon EOS 6D
Nikkor 180mm f/2.8
Pixinsight, Photoshop