Friday, Feb 14, 2025
Appennini lunari
By Massimiliano Pedersoli
The lunar Apennines are one of the most beautiful and characteristic lunar geological structures to photograph, due to the very high mountains that make up this mountain chain, the largest on the lunar surface, approximately 600 km. They are located on the south-eastern edge of the Mare Imbrium and delimit its borders. About halfway along their extension is Mount Huygens which, with its 5500 m, is the highest mountain on the moon. In this photo made up of 9 panels I also wanted to include the names of the main geological structures and I also included the landing site of Apollo 15. Instrumentation: Skywatcher 200/1000 zwo asi 224mc camera with uvircut artesky filter and 5x pro artesky barlow lens Skywatcher Azeq6 pro mount. Processing of 9 60" videos at 60 fps, for a total of approximately 90 gigabytes, from which I extracted the nine images with 20% of the frames of each video that make up the mosaic. Sharpcap Autostakkert Registax Photoshop
zwo asi 224 mc
uv ir cut artesku
Azeq6 pro
skywatcher 200/1000 with coma corrector artesky f 4.8
sharcap,autostakkert,registax photoshop