
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025


By Andrea Bavaro

M81 taken during a touring trip in February 2024 in the mountains at an altitude of 1650m. The weather was not very favorable: the passage of clouds forced me to interrupt part of the shooting especially in the color session. I was unable to complete the number of shots in the two days also to be able to develop the Drizzling image. I hope you like it despite the difficulties. Data Optics: RC10 riduced Camera: Moravian4000 Mount: G53F Optics guiding: RC10 Camera Guiding: lodestar Acquisition: Voyager Post-processing: Pixinsight 1.8 Dates: Feb-24 Exposure details: LRGB => 250:96:104:112 = > (25x10):(12x8):(13x8):(14x8) Colors Bin2 [num x minuti] Bias/Dark /Flat: 101-17/25 Integration: 7h 25min Location: Saint Barthelemy AO Italy

CCD Moravian4000



RC10 reduced