Thursday, Feb 27, 2025
NGC 6946
By Luca Marinelli
NGC 6946, (also known as C 12), is a spiral galaxy located on the border between the constellations Cygnus and Cepheus. Its apparent large size is due to its relative proximity to the Milky Way. This galaxy is famous in the scientific community as the Fireworks Galaxy, due to the number of supernovae observed, ten in the last 100 years. Instrumentation: -C8 EDGE HD telescope -Skywatcher AZEQ6 GT mount -Skywatcher 102/500 Guide Telescope -Autoguide ASI 290 mini -ASI 533mc pro camera -IDAS LPS D1 filter -ASI AIR PLUS Shooting data: Light 21x480 sec, gain 100, temp -10° 31 Flat, 31 Darkflat, 11 Dark Processing: Pixinsight & Photoshop Place Polino (TR)
ZWO ASI 533 mc
Skywatcher AZEQ6 GT
Celestron C8 EDGEHD
Pixinsight, Photoshop