Cigar or butterfly?

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025

Cigar or butterfly?

By Aldo Zanetti

M82 is a galaxy high in the spring sky of the northern hemisphere. Its shape has earned it the name of Cigar Galaxy, and also Butterfly Galaxy. What do you prefer to see, the blue cigar or the red butterfly? This object is easy to photograph with an amateur telescope, and this photo was obtained with a Celestron C9.25 edge HD on which was mounted a monochrome camera ASI1600MM with ZWO LRGBHa filters. Later, during the processing, the signal from a GSO RC12" was added from a GSO RC12" on which is mounted a PlayerOne Poseidon M with Baader filters that will be mounted in a remote setup of the Horn D'Arturo Space Lab in Manciano, and is currently being tested in Modena by me. The guiding of the 9.25 was done with ASIair and an ASI174mini in OAG, that of the RC12" with NINA and PHD2 via a PlayerOne Xena. The processing was done in Pixinsight and Gimp

ASI1600mm and PlayerOne Poseidon M

ZWO LRGBHa and Baader LRGBHa

AM5 and Celestron CGX-L

Celestron C 9.25 edge HD and GSO RC12"

Asiair and NINA + PHD2, pixinsight and GIMP