Dolphin-Head Nebula - SH2-308

Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024

Dolphin-Head Nebula - SH2-308

By Paresh Kokate

SH2-308, also designated as Sharpless 308, RCW 11, or LBN 1052, and commonly known as the Dolphin-Head Nebula, is an H II region located near the center of the constellation Canis Major, composed of ionized hydrogen. It is about 8 degrees south of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. The nebula is bubble-like and surrounds a Wolf–Rayet star named EZ Canis Majoris. Sharpless 2-308 lies some 4,530 light-years away from Earth. The massive star that created the bubble, a Wolf-Rayet star, is the bright one near the center of the nebula. Wolf-Rayet stars have over 20 times the mass of the Sun and are thought to be in a brief, pre-supernova phase of massive star evolution. Fast winds from this Wolf-Rayet star create the bubble-shaped nebula as they sweep up slower-moving material from an earlier phase of evolution. The windblown nebula has an age of about 70,000 years. Relatively faint emission captured by narrowband filters in the deep image is dominated by the glow of ionized oxygen atoms mapped to a blue hue.

ZWO294MM Pro

Optolong 2 3nm HO and RGB

Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro, ZWO AM5

William Optics Fluorostar 91 / FLT91

PixInsight, Photoshop