Saturday, Jul 6, 2024
The Seven Sisters - Pleiades Cluster (M45)
By Davide Nardulli
The Seven Sisters - Pleiades Cluster (M45) Daughters of the titan Atlas and the oceanic Pleione, seven nymphs transformed into stars consumed by their own pain or, according to others, in an eternal escape from a stubborn suitor. Seven girls for the ancient Greeks, but also for many other peoples and cultures. The seven Pleiades were Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celeno, Sterope and Merope. The brightest stars of the Pleiades open cluster bear the same names as the seven mythological sisters and their two parents. First monochrome job with the Asi 2600 MM pro camera, I wanted to shoot the magnificent seven sisters, a classic winter target that always has its great charm, shooting from home in LRGB for 6 hours, bortle sky 6, sqm 19.30. Technical data and tools L: 90x120s, RGB: 90x120s dark : 15 flat: 15*4 data acquisition: Asi Air Plus telescope: Skywatcher 80ED with 0.85x reduction main chamber: Asi 2600 MM pro guide: Oag-L + Asi 290 MM mini filter wheel: Efw 7x2 electronic focuser: Eaf 5v mount: Skywatcher EQ6R-pro Processing: Dss, PixInsight and Photoshop
Asi 2600MM
Optolong LRGB
SW EQ6R pro
SW ED80 with reducer 0.85x
Dss, PixInsight, Photoshop