Sh2 232-231-235

Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

Sh2 232-231-235

By Davide Nardulli

We are in the Constellation of Auriga and this molecular complex is made up of several nebulae, the largest in the center is SH2-232, next to it SH2-235 is also the most active and has several stellar objects inside it in the early stages of their life, further to the left SH2-231 is the faintest of the three, finally the blue dot (at the center of SH2-232) is a planetary nebula known as PN G173.5+03.2. Taken for 4 nights (31 March and 1, 2 and 4 February) for approximately 15 hours with narrow band filters SII, HA and OIII, processing in Hubble Palette in a SHO composition.

Asi 2600MM


Eq6r pro

Skywatcher 80ED with 0.85x reducer/flattener

Dss, pixinsight , photoshop