A "Wide Angle" Milky Way Over the Mediterranean Sea

Sunday, Jun 23, 2024

A "Wide Angle" Milky Way Over the Mediterranean Sea

By Gianni Tumino

Technical data: Location: Cava d'Aliga (Sicily-Italy) June 01, 2024. The technique used to obtain this image was to shoot the same area of sky, at the same time, with two cameras side-by-side (one of the two cameras is modified for astrophotography). Landscape: Canon EOS R 7Artisans 14 mm. lens @ f/5.6 n° 51 15 sec-exposure @ ISO 3200 Milky Way: Canon EOS Ra Sigma DG 14 mm. lens f/1.8 @ f/3.2 n° 38 80 sec-exposure @ ISO 6400 Optolong L-Enhance filter iOptron Sky Guider Pro

Canon EOS R + Canon ESO Ra

Optolong L-Enhance Filter

iOptron Sky Guider Pro

PixInsight, StarNetV2, Lightroom, Photoshop