The world of Ice and Fire

Sunday, Jul 28, 2024

The world of Ice and Fire

By simone curzi

Here is the first light from my dual RedCat 51 system. This is a setup that I designed and am optimizing specifically for wide-field and broadband mosaics. However, I was very eager to test it, so I made my first experiments on a subject more suited to narrowband filters. I collected a total of 120 frames of 180" with an OSC camera and an IR-cut filter, 120 frames of OIII at 300", and 80 frames of 300" in both Ha and SII, for a total of 29 hours and 20 minutes. In this image, I experimented with new techniques for dynamic narrowband mixing, and I am partially satisfied with the result. I hope you like the outcome. The Cygnus region is one of the richest and most fascinating areas of the night sky, located in the Milky Way. The field of my shot hosts several cosmic wonders, including: WR 134: A Wolf-Rayet star known for its strong stellar winds and the ring nebula that surrounds it, formed from material expelled by the star. Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888): An emission nebula located about 5000 light-years from Earth. It is formed by the stellar winds of the Wolf-Rayet star WR 136 interacting with the material expelled by the star during its red giant phase. Tulip Nebula (Sh2-101): An emission nebula located about 8000 light-years from Earth. Its name derives from its characteristic shape that resembles a blooming tulip. LDN (Lynds' Dark Nebulae): This region contains numerous dark nebulae cataloged by Beverly Lynds. These nebulae are dense clouds of dust and gas that block the light from background stars, creating dark silhouettes against the bright backdrop of the Milky Way. Redcat51 V1.5 Redcat51 V2 2600mm Pro 2600mc Pro Antlia SHO EDGE Eq6 R Pro July 1 - 4, 2024 Frames: OSC 120×180″(6h) Antlia EDGE H-alpha 4.5nm 2": 80×300″(6h 40′) Antlia EDGE OIII 4.5 nm 2": 120×300″(10h) Antlia EDGE SII 4.5 nm 2": 80×300″(6h 40′) Integration: 29h 20′

zwo asi 2600mc pro


