Thursday, Aug 1, 2024
Cocoon Nebula
By Juan Carlos Cuckson & Javier Zayaz
We are two astrophotographers who set up our photography equipment every night when we go out to take photos and then take it down at dawn and return home. By both photographing the same nebula we get more information and it makes it worthwhile to drive many kilometers to find dark skies. The photograph was taken from the Sierra de los Filabres, in Almería, on the night of July 6th. Very close to the Calar Alto observatory. We both used the same telescope, a Takahashi refractor with an aperture of 106 millimeters. Hope you like it.
Touptek 2600 & Zwo 2600
Antlia Halfa 3nm & Astronomik IV/IR L 2
Az eq6 gt & Eq6 r
Takahashi fsq 106