Sh2-150 / vdB154

Friday, Aug 16, 2024

Sh2-150 / vdB154

By Lino Benz

Sh2-150 vdB 154 Constellation Cepheus Sh2-150 is an emission nebula visible in the constellation Cepheus. It is located in the central part of the constellation Sh2-150, it is a rather large H II region oriented in a north-south direction just east of 26 Cephei, it is located at a distance of about 2900 light years, "nearby" you can see the reflection nebula vdB 154 its distance is not known and it is not possible to confirm its physical connection, with the Sh2-150 Sannicola LE Italia SQM 19.48


optolong L-QEF

SW EQ6r Pro

SW Newton 200/1000

DSS PixInsight and Photoshop