Tulip Nebula and Cygnus X-1

Sunday, Sep 1, 2024

Tulip Nebula and Cygnus X-1

By Veronica Perogio, Salvatore Semilia

Tulip Nebula in Cygnus. This brightest glowing cloud of interstellar gas and dust is found in the 1959 catalog by astronomer Stewart Sharpless as Sh2-101. Tulip Nebula “blossoms” about 8,000 light-years away. In the field of view there is also microquasar Cygnus X-1, one of the strongest X-ray sources in planet Earth's sky. Driven by powerful jets from a blackhole accretion disk, its fainter bluish curved shock front is only just visible though, directly above the cosmic Tulip's petals. Acquisition: Veronica Perogio, Salvatore Semilia Post Production: Veronica Perogio Equipment: Asi294mc, Asi 2600mc, Eq6, Eq6R, Skywatcher 80Ed,TS Optics Photoline 115/800, L-Enhance, IDAS Nebula Booster NBZ Exposure: 36H, 300/600sec frames Site: Castelfidardo (AN), Parco delle Madonie/San Martino delle Scale (PA) Date: 6/7/13/14/27/28 July – 7/9 August Software: ASIair Plus, N.I.N.A., Phd2, Pixinsight, Lightroom, Photoshop

Asi294MC, Asi2600MC

L-Enhance, IDAS nebula booster NBZ

Eq6, Eq6R

SkyWatcher 80ED, TS Optics Photoline 115/800

AsiAirPlus, NINA, PHD2, Pixinsight, Photoshop, Lightroom